Residents show their support for Obamacare - Paul Feeney for Senate

Residents show their support for Obamacare

AR-150629946.jpgSHARON – The Senate recently voted to defeat a GOP “skinny repeal” bill Friday, July 28, that would have repealed and replaced the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.

Residents Esther Anastasia and Sharon Jacobs took to the streets, with around 20 other locals, holding signs in support of the ACA on Saturday, July 29, in Post Office Square.

“We want people in hometown of Sharon to see that their friends, neighbors and members of their community are exercising their first amendment rights in support of protecting our healthcare,” Anastasia said.

The two women planned Saturday’s rally that received several honks from motorists as they passed by.

“We were both inspired to organize our Save Our Healthcare action by the Women’s March,” Anastasia said. “We are both concerned by the latest Republican actions which were not only an attack on the ACA but a clear and concerted attack on all of women’s healthcare to defund Planned Parenthood; to take away maternity and birth control coverage and to attack the right to choose. The Medicaid rollbacks in the House would impact the disabled and veterans, among others. As women we cannot stand by and let this happen.”

State Senate candidates Ted Philips, D-Sharon, and Paul Feeney, D-Foxborough, both attended Saturday’s Save our Healthcare rally.

“In the wake of last week’s event it’s important to show our support,” Philips said. “We need to stay vigilant...our elected officials, and I hope to be one of them, need to make sure that everyone can afford health care.”

Feeney said he was inspired by those who turned out to voice their concerns.

“I am hopeful that actions like this one in Sharon will go a long way in mobilizing people to stand up for women, seniors, families and the vulnerable for truly universal and affordable healthcare,” Feeney said. “I will continue to fight for healthcare for all and believe it is a fundamental human right.”

The ACA legislation was signed into law to reform the health care industry by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Since then Republicans have attempted to repeal the ACA over 50 times under Obama’s presidency.


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